
Q: What are Sacraments?

Our Anglican tradition recognizes sacraments as “outward and visible signs of inward and spiritual grace.” (The Book of Common Prayer, p. 857) Holy Baptism and the Eucharist (or Holy Communion) are the two great sacraments given by Christ to his Church.

Q: What are the other Sacraments?

Besides Baptism and the Eucharist (Holy Communion), the church recognizes other means of grace and healing in our journey of faith. These include:

These help us to be a sacramental people, seeing God always at work around us.

Q: What is Confirmation?

Confirmation is when a baptized person, who has been instructed in the Christian faith, makes a mature commitment to God within a worship setting and receives a special blessing and prayer from the bishop.  Click for information on Confirmation at Christ the King.

Learn more about Confirmation.

Q: What is Ordination?

Ordination is the sacrament whereby God empowers trained persons for special ministry as deacons, priests, or bishops. The service always includes the laying on of hands by bishops. Learn more about Ordination in Pages  510-555, Book of Common Prayer

Q: What is Holy Matrimony?

Holy Matrimony is Christian marriage, in which two people enter into a lifelong union and make their promises before God in a worship service.

Learn more about weddings at Christ the King.

Q: What is Reconciliation of a Penitent?

While private confession of sins is not a requirement, anyone may request the reconciliation of a penitent from a priest and receive assurance of God’s forgiveness. The confession is always made in private and kept in strict confidence.

Learn more about Confession.

Q: What is Unction?

Unction is a special blessing for those who are sick or desire special prayers. A sign of the cross is made on their forehead with blessed oil.

Learn more about healing.