To Love, To Serve & To Empower Christian Discipleship


Welcome to Christ the King Episcopal Church. If you live in the area and are looking for a church home, we invite you to journey with us as followers of Christ in this wonderful community! If you are a seasonal guest or on vacation, we are delighted that you found your way to the “church in the wildwood,” and we invite you to consider Christ the King as your church home away from home.

God's blessings & peace,
Fr. Richard G. Proctor, OA

Sunday Morning Services

8:00am & 10:30am

Sunday School & Adult Christian Formation
9:15am - 10:15am

Service Children's Chapel

Nursery Available (9:00am - 12:00pm)

Sunday Worship Online

Sunday Bulletin

Preparing for Sunday


Wednesday Healing Eucharist: 4:30pm
Morning Prayer: Monday – Thursday 8:30am
Evening Prayer: Monday – Thursday 4:30pm

Children & Youth

WednesdaysYouth Group: 5:30pm - 8:00pm


Upcoming Events & Opportunities



Worship with Us Online

If you have trouble viewing the live stream below, please click on this BOXCAST Link to view.


When the love of Christ dwells in the heart of a parish, there are no bounds to what God can accomplish. Here, at Christ the King Episcopal Church, we’ve long witnessed God’s loving handiwork – in our Sunday worship, in our close fellowship, in our Parish Day School ministry, and in all the many ways this parish serves as God’s loving hands.

At Christ the King Episcopal Church, our life together is grounded in Anglican pastoral and ascetical theology with a distinctly Benedictine ethos. Our prayer shapes our belief. In addition to our Sunday Eucharist services, we offer Morning, Noonday, and Evening Prayer during the week. Our commitment to technology has broadened the scope and reach of our worship and Christian formation offerings, so that there are opportunities for worship, prayer, formation, and fellowship both in-person and from afar.


Preparing for Sunday

In preparation for this Sunday’s service, we encourage you to set aside time to read the lectionary readings in advance. Click the button below for this Sunday’s scripture readings and reflections.


Day by Day

View upcoming events, programs and worship times with the Christ the King Monthly Calendar.