Recovery Ministries & 12-Step Programs


"It is the pain of living that creates a hunger for healing that only God can satisfy."

"The Twelve-Step process is an experience of being changed by a loving, supportive God who knows what we need and helps us through our pain to see and give up our own selfish agendas and surrender to his."

- J. Keith Miller, A Hunger for Healing: The Twelves Steps as a Classic Model for Christian Spiritual Growth

One of our charisms at Christ the King is our commitment to supporting local 12-step recovery groups. In addition to providing space for their regular meetings and retreats, we are a partner parish of Episcopal Recovery Ministries, and are committed to creating an environment grounded in the spirit of healing and wholeness. And we recognize that if, left to our own devices, we will make a mess of things; but if we turn our lives over to God - our Holy Comforter - we are better able to reflect the Holy One in whose image we were created.

Schedule of weekly 12-Step meetings held at Christ the King



Alcoholics Anonymous: 8:00am, Youth Room



Men's AA: 6:00pm, Youth Room
Women’s Primary Purpose AA: 6:00pm, Parlor
Al-Anon: 6:00pm, Hughes Library



Alcoholic’s Anonymous: 8:00am, Youth Room



Alcoholics Anonymous: 8:00am, Youth Room
Co-ed AA:
7:00pm, Sandefur Hall