The Rev’d Richard Gillespie Proctor, OA


About Fr. Richard

Fr. Richard Proctor, OA has served as the Rector of Christ the King since the Summer of 2015. He is married to the Rev’d Emily Rose Proctor, who serves as the Director of Outreach of Caring & Sharing of South Walton. They have two children – Julian Thomas and Madeleine Rose.

Richard was born and raised in Tallahassee, FL and received his early childhood and young adult faith formation as a 4th-generation member of St. John’s Episcopal Church. Richard received his formal education at the University of the South (Sewanee), Florida State University, Columbia Theological Seminary (MDiv), and the General Theological Seminary (STM).

Richard is currently in his third year of the novitiate process with the Order of the Ascension, a dispersed Episcopal Religious Community whose members take a promise "to seek the presence of Jesus Christ in the people, things and circumstances of life through stability, obedience and conversion of life."  

Prior to becoming an Episcopal priest, Richard was a professional musician (drummer and songwriter), touring the United States and Europe with the band Tishamingo. He still plays drums with various local bands and musicians, and loves collecting records.

Richard is passionate about the Emotional Intelligence (EQ) as it relates to individuals and organizations, as well as Bowen Family Systems Theory. He has participated in several workshops and clinics hosted by the EQHR Center and the Lombard Mennonite Peace Center. This work has greatly enhanced his ministry as a priest, husband, father, and son. Other areas of continuing education and interest include Parish and Organization Development, Godly Play, Contemplative Prayer, and how the Rule of Benedict can be applied to parish and family life.

At the Diocesan level, Richard serves on the Standing Committee, the faculty for the Diocesan School for Ministry, and has served as a Summer Camp Dean at Camp Beckwith. Richard’s blog is – Rhythm & Grace.